“Our thoughts today, and our deliberations to come, must spring from our determination to keep Oregon lovable and to make it even more livable.”
Here are just a few of our ongoing projects. See how you can get involved.
Photo by Ed Garcia
New Public pool and recreation facility
Our longest-running ongoing project is our quest to build a new swimming pool and multipurpose recreational facility in Redmond. Our programs are currently spread out over several buildings around town. We operate in Redmond schools, in the Senior Center, Cascade Swim Center, and the RAPRD Activity Center. Bringing all our programming under one roof would reduce overhead and allow us to operate more efficiently.
Our existing aquatic facility, Cascade Swim Center, regularly operates at capacity, and our ability to offer sufficient recreational and swim instructional programs to meet the demand is stretched to the maximum. A larger, modern pool space would provide a diversity of recreational activities and more opportunities to teach swimming lessons with cutting-edge accessibility and safety features.
To go forward with our goal to build the public multi-purpose recreation facility that Redmond needs and deserves, we must pass a bond measure. You can help support us by spreading the word to your friends and neighbors. To learn more about our plans, give us a call at 541-548-7275 or come by Cascade Swim Center for a visit.
We aim to make all our programs accessible to Redmond residents regardless of ability to pay. Scholarships are awarded to individuals who meet the Scholarship Application Requirements for any of our programs, i.e. after-school activities/programs, nutrition and fitness programs, aquatics, youth sports, youth enrichment, adult recreation, and senior programs.
The need for scholarship funds is critical. In challenging financial and political times, programs that engage members of the community – and are available to all – strengthen and enrich the bonds between families, between neighbors. Our scholarships enable all our children, adults, and senior citizens to engage in educational, recreational, aquatic, and cultural enrichment programs. Providing scholarships for low income residents plays an important role in improving quality of life, and the health and well-being of the community as a whole. Our ability to grant scholarships to low income residents enriches the individual lives of all participants, and also promotes healthy living, encourages social connections, and develops a stronger sense of community belonging among all our area residents.
Want to help low income residents participate in RAPRD programs? Your donation makes a difference!
Photo by Moysés Lavagnoli
Aviation Day
We are drawing on the immense aviation expertise in Central Oregon to pull together a day of aviation activities including hands-on drone activities for kids (paired with professional operators), flight simulators, a real helicopter, model planes, radio controlled planes displayed by Redmond's Field of Dreams RC Club, and professional demonstrations. The Redmond Aircraft Fire and Rescue team will have their 90,000lb neon green aircraft rescue fire truck on site to show how they prepare to respond to air emergencies, and Patrick Sherman of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International and Roswell Flight Test Crew will demo a large professional drone live outdoors. The Young Eagles will share their programs to introduce kids to free flights. We are drawing on the skills of educators, local businesses, and industry organizations to give Redmond families a full, fun day of hands-on aviation experiences.
If you are interested in becoming an Aviation Day sponsor or vendor, please contact our Executive Director, Katie Hammer at 541-548-7275. If you'd like to help create a fun, safe aviation experience, please fill out this form to volunteer.
Redmond's Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration
Redmond’s Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration, sponsored by Central Oregon Truck Company
and hosted by RAPRD is a community event that will be held at Deschutes County Fair and Expo on July 4, 2019, 11:00AM - 4:00PM. This is a FREE family fun event so gather up your family and
come spend the day with us for games, music and fun for all ages. Food and beverages are
available for purchase.
Some of the activities featured at last year's 4th of July celebration were:
Pony rides Smith Rock Ranch train
Axe Throwing Bicycle course
Pie eating contest Old fashioned games
Bounce houses Bubble soccer
Craft activities Frisbee golf
Zip line Three point basketball shootout
Stick around after the Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration to watch the Redmond Fireworks
show at dusk, hosted by the Redmond Chamber of Commerce.
Last year, 6,400 Redmondites celebrated Independence Day with us. You can visit the event website to learn more about last year's festivities. We are expecting an even greater turnout this year. We need dozens of volunteers to pull off this massive event each year. If you are a member of a service organization, or your employer encourages community service, or if you are a helpful soul just interested in lending a hand, please contact us to volunteer.
If you are a vendor, or a local business and wish to sponsor one of our 4th of July activities, please contact our Executive Director, Katie Hammer at 541-548-7275 to learn more about this year's celebration.
Photo by Mark O'Rourke
April Showers
While you may already know about our great recreational programs, you may not know that our facilities also offer inexpensive showers for people who may not have regular access to hygiene facilities. For $1.50, any of our community members can shower at Cascade Swim Center or the Activity Center. Showers are a convenience for the campers, hikers, and travelers who come to Central Oregon to enjoy our parks and outdoor spaces, but they are a necessity for Redmond's homeless and housing-insecure residents. We believe that a warm shower is not only beneficial for health, but also supports emotional resilience and confidence, and mental well-being.
This winter, we have partnered with the Redmond Library to distribute 40 free shower tickets per month to homeless Redmond area residents. People who wish to shower can request a ticket at the library and present it at either of our facilities to shower for free. The tickets do not expire and we have averaged 30 free showers per month. We expect this average to rise as the weather warms and transportation around town becomes less challenging.
We would like to expand our program, and to reach more homeless Redmond area residents. In expectation of increased demand this summer, we are launching our April Showers campaign this spring. If you want to buy a shower or two for a local resident, you can drop off your donation at our reception desk in Cascade Swim Center. Beginning in April, we will have donation jars available in our facilities. Keep an eye out for the April Showers logo next month and if you want to give our campaign a boost from the get-go, you can donate online.
Tetherow House East Facade circa 1915. Photo courtesy of Deschutes County Historical Society.
historic aj tetherow home
Although many now know it for golf and real estate, Tetherow Crossing was one of the original ferry crossings that wagon trains used on their way from the Willamette Valley to Prineville and the Ochoco Mountains. This historic ferry crossing, and the toll bridge the Tetherow family later built there, was a critical juncture in families' journey from the East to Central Oregon. The property, and the original 12' x 25' home are both listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and are Deschutes County Landmarks. The home, built in1878 is believed to be the oldest standing home in Deschutes County.
Time has not been kind to the Tetherow house. Numerous additions over the decade have obscured the original historic structure and, although plumbing and electricity was added, it has fallen into disrepair and the home is no longer safe for residential use. Redmond Area Park and Recreation District took over the project from the City of Redmond in 2004, but struggled to make progress in rescuing the structure when the recession hit and our community suffered double-digit unemployment.
Throughout the years, our dream for this unique property has never wavered. We believe that, despite difficult construction challenges, the original structure can be rehabilitated and stabilized, and the interior restored to its past, perhaps as a schoolhouse, a pioneer home, or a store for the wagon trains that passed through by the thousands. We hope to construct a multi-use facility adjacent to the original home that will be available to the public, and to our schools, to take advantage of the educational, recreational, and artistic opportunities inspired by this unique and beautiful site on the banks of the Deschutes.
We have focused our fundraising efforts on developing the Tetherow property and restoring the original pioneer-era home, but we will need the support of many hands and many hearts to bring this piece of Redmond history back to life. The project will require architectural plans, landscaping, construction, materials, and volunteers, but most of all, we need Redmond to believe in this project as much as we do. Whether you are a local business, an architect, a quarry, a service organization, a book club, or a bowling team, see how you can Take Action, or call us at 541-548-7275 to learn more. We will need all hands on deck!
Photo by COTA
The Radlands trail system is located east of Redmond on Deschutes County owned property. RAPRD presented the concept of a non-motorized trail system on Deschutes County property to the County Commissioners in January 2011. This property surrounds the transfer station and an approved archery range. RAPRD formalized the request to use the property for trails in May 2011. The County approved the request in August 2011.
Historically the property has been used for motorized vehicle recreation and target practice. This original concept included mountain biking and equestrian trails which were proposed around the historic uses. Pedestrians can use either trail. Meaning that trails would be developed away from the established "roads", archery range and transfer station.
RAPRD has partnered with Central Oregon Trail Alliance for the development of the mountain bike trails. With support from COTA there are currently 8-10 miles of mountain bike trails that are used by both bikers and pedestrians. There is approximately 9 miles of equestrian trails flagged but not developed. Equestrians who ride the Redlands are requested to not ride on the established bike trails.
The only trailhead currently is at the High Desert Sports Complex, which is identified for mountain bikes and pedestrians. There is a trailhead planned at Antler that will be for mountain bikers, hikers and equestrians. Please note that the original proposed trailhead at Upas has been removed from the plans.
Click here to learn more about the Radlands and the original Radlands Trail Proposal